Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Who knows?

5'6" Asymmetric Twinzer from 2013 in CoreVac construction

This board, like most of my boards on here, is somewhere out there. Hopefully being ridden regularly. That's one of the funny things about making stuff. After the original customer gets it, you never know where it ends up. I'm sure the mass producers don't worry about that too much. But, the small guys probably do. I know I do. 

About once a year, I'll cruise the Surfer Classifieds, or Magic Seaweed, or Craigslist to see if anything turns up. I'm not sure what it means, but I don't find things often. Maybe they're being used, maybe they're hanging on a wall, or maybe just sitting in a garage collecting dust.

I don't know how many thousands of boards I have out there. A few clients kept in touch for a while, stoked out of their minds. I saw some go up for sale months after being bought, the owner never really clicking with it, or getting bored and moving on to something else. I'm sure some have been snapped in half and are dead.

Some of the weirder stuff I made is still out there for better or worse. I came across a really early board from the first few I ever made, that i wish i could have locked away from the light of day. But, the owner was still riding it everyday, and loved it. That's what is is all about.

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